Hey, I’m Lyd, the founder of Musa Mundi!
Some years ago, I found myself in a tent with some Afghan men and their antique trinkets, I stood examining the clasp of a talisman ring, impressed with the artisan detail and wondering how it had been made. A combination of curiosity and creative yearning led me to Florence where I trained under the watchful eye of a master silversmith. And from there I began self studying and collecting tools.

Around the same time, I’d been watching documentaries about modern slavery and the precious metal & gemstone industry. I was outraged by what I saw and I knew if I were to begin making jewellery it absolutely had to be fair and ethical. I believe strongly in the importance of aligning our actions with our core values. Considering my own values; freedom and equality, respect for the environment, non violence and veganism, and empowerment for those who need it. I choose to reflect these values into my work with no compromise.

It’s true we have different views of what the world should be, we face many potent environmental, political and social challenges. Life is fast and stressful. Yet I firmly believe there is much to celebrate of humankind and make no mistake, there is hope…

Musa Mundi is about nurturing our inner goodness while raising awareness on environmental and social injustices. Each piece is a seed of consciousness which carries its own symbolism, crafted to bring light and presence into the life of the wearer. Musa Mundi inspires positive impact from the workbench to letterbox, from the local market stall to vulnerable communities and habitats around the world, through collective effort, the power of our community and a lot of love... Thank you for being a part of this story.

- Lyd
Metalsmith & Founder


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